St. Kilian's Community School, Ballywaltrim, Bray

Music & Drama

Music and Drama play a big part in the life of St Kilian's Community School.

The school's Music Teacher, Ms Louise O'Sullivan, promotes a wide range of musical activities, including:

  • School Musicals
  • Choirs
  • Traditional Group
  • Monthly Concerts (the last Thursday of every month)
  • Song-writing Club
  • Music at School Liturgies and other events

The school's Music Committee for 2014-2015 comprises:

Donna Kelly

Meghan O'Daly

Tia Kenna

Nicole Coster

Caitlin Treacy

Gabriella Nieto-Bello

Moesha Chong

Gary Shortt

Kelan Hughes

Jordan Maher


Bray Choral Society and Bray Youth Choir rehearse at the school on Tuesdays and Wednesdays, under the baton of our former Music teacher, Mr Frank Kelly.